
Do You Want To Build a Successful Website Redesign Strategy?

The following guide will provide a visible idea of how to proceed with a website redesign strategy.

01 Examine your Current Online Performance Metrics

Before developing a good website design:

  • Indulge in an exhaustive study of the performance metrics as to how they function.
  • Delve into the long-awaiting inquiries focused on the parameters.
  • Investigate which pages are offering the maximum traffic and which aren’t.

Some of them are:

  • Bounce rate vs. Practical targets.
  • Revamped website content for the site.
  • Count of inbound linking domains.
  • Count of indexed pages.
  • Monthly average time of the targeted audience.
  • Highest functioning keywords.

02 Setting a Clear Objective for your New Web Page Design

The second step of your website redesign strategy includes picking the perfect interface. Post finalising, fine-tune your website to reflect the same. It’s vital for you to completely perceive the needs and goals of the site for the website design company team to comprehend smoothly as well. The best website design is only feasible when there is adroit communication regarding the following things:

  • Performance
  • Design
  • Tools and technology
  • Improving current SEO rankings for vital keywords
  • Expanding count of visitors and visits
  • Advertising tactics
  • Lessening bounce rate

03 Segregate your Prospective Audience

If you are driven by generating advertising campaigns that suit every specific demand of your targeted audience, then you should categorise your audience at the beginning. This division will positively impact your marketing plan resulting in the proper utilisation of the investment. Ask yourself the subsequent questions during your website redesign strategy.

  • Who would be benefitted from the site?
  • What activities will occur on my site?
  • What will all pages be visited?
  • What will the visitors acquire from the site?

04 Keep Aloof of your Premium and High-Performing Assets

One mandatory step while creating the best website design is indisputably setting aside the highest-performing and premium assets. Set an inventory for the following:

  • Highest trafficked pages.
  • Highest viewed or shared website content.
  • A handful of inbound links for separating pages.
  • Top performing keywords making you rank

05 Assessment of Competitor’s Website

If you catch your competitor climbing the ladder of success, it is time to include a thorough analysis of their site in your website redesign strategy. Learn what they are incorporating for an escalated rank on the search engines, how they are gaining all the targeted audience, and so on. But, the thing to record is replicating your competitor’s activities is never a thing to do.

Note their activities and during your website redesign process, create something extravagant by incorporating the newest market trends and tactics. The best way to strategise your website redesign is to analyse the weaknesses and strengths of its competitors.

06 Emphasizing the Content

There is nobody who doesn’t like fresh content. Therefore, it is essential to focus on the content as you indulge in your website redesign process. The options are abundant, from eBooks, press releases, videos, images, blogs, whitepapers, and articles to social media content.

However, blogging tends to be the most immaculate for expanding your website visitors. Maintaining an editorial calendar that will include the initial creation of innovative topics, keyword research, content optimisation for search engines, and more is necessary during your website redesign strategy.

07 Transforming your Visitors

Your website redesign strategy must include boosting your conversion rates. To define the same, a conversion can transform a visitor anywhere near becoming a customer. CTAs or Calls-To-Action, or landing pages are good ways of converting visitors.

08 Defining the Website Motive

A good website design will always present your brand, mindset, and the targets you wish to achieve. Therefore, you need to emphasise your messaging, branding, and value proposition.


The website should be crisp enough to help the audience understand what you offer and how they can associate with your product or service. To emphasise your branding, follow these three steps in your website redesign strategy:

  • Focus on the USPs of the brand.
  • Determine the demands and expectations of the clients.
  • Create an inventory of your expertise and specialities.


A website redesign strategy might have a highly positive impact on your business. But, it is necessary to choose the correct set of professionals with ample understanding.

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