
.NET Core: Everything You Need to Know

As a robust and scalable development platform, .NET Core is a separate and superior version of the .NET Framework that Microsoft maintains. It is written from scratch to make it a lightweight, modular, fast, and cross-platform framework. .NET Core is a complete programming environment that takes extra care of cross-platform functionalities.

When you want to build high-quality applications faster, .NET will be your ultimate choice. It is called the most effective platform for developers. With this, you can target any application type running on any platform. If you are considering .NET Core development, you need to know about this .NET Core in detail. To help you, here we have pinpointed the most important things about .NET Core.

Key Highlights of Asp.NET Core Framework

  • The Asp.NET Core can execute with two runtime environments (.NET Core and .NET framework).
  • It has a robust and precise architecture with required dependencies and modular MVC patterns.
  • Asp.NET Core project apps are executing using the new .NET Execution Environment (DNX).
  • It has a faster development cycle for its well-designed dependency injection methodologies to create an optimised environment.
  • It has a robust cloud configuration and support for scalable apps.
  • It can work well with different front-end frameworks, including AngularJS, Bootstrap, and KnockoutJS.
  • It streamlined the flexibility to deploy and run the app on cloud servers and on-premises configuration.
  • A higher number of modules will enable you to construct optimised development.

Features of .NET Core

01 Open-source framework


Available on GitHub under MIT and Apache licences, .NET Core, is an open-source framework. It’s a .NET foundation project. You can view, download, and contribute to the source code using the GitHub repositories.

02 Cross-platform


The framework supports and runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Also, it is amazingly consistent across architecture, including x64, x86, and ARM. You can import and use identical assemblies and libraries on different platforms.

03 Wide range of applications


Various apps can be developed and run on the .NET Core Platform, including desktop, mobile, web, cloud, IoT, microservice, game, machine learning, etc.

04 Supports multiple languages


You can use F#, C#, and Visual Basic programming languages to develop .NET Core applications. Even you can use your favourite IDE, including Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio 2017/2019, Sublime Text, Vim, etc.

05 Modular architecture


It supports a modular architecture approach using NuGet packages. Different NuGet packages for various features can be added to the .NET Core project as required. Microsoft.NETCore.App is the NuGet package for the standard.NET Core application model. Thus, it boosts performance, reduces the memory footprint, and simplifies maintenance.

06 CLI tools


.NET Core includes CLI tools (Command-line interface) for development and continuous integration.

07 Flexible deployment


.NET Core application can be deployed user-wide or system-wide or with Docker Containers.

08 Compatibility


Using .NET Standard specification, it’s compatible with .NET Framework and Mono APIs.

Features of .NET Core 3.0

  • Support for MSIX Deployment in Windows Desktop.
  • Build copy dependencies.
  • Improvements in IEEE Floating-point.
  • Fast built-in JSON support.
  • .NET platform-dependent intrinsics.
  • Framework-dependent executables support.
  • Windows Native Interop.
  • Unload assembly easily.
  • TLS 1.3 & OpenSSL 1.1. on Linux.
  • GPIO support for Raspberry Pi.
  • Improved Cryptography.

What Next: Features of .NET Core 5.0.

  • F# updates.
  • C# updates.
  • System.Text.Json new features.
  • Visual Basic updates.
  • App trimming.
  • Single file apps.
  • Garbage Collection (GC).
  • Windows ARM64 and ARM64 intrinsic.
  • System.Text.RegularExpressions.
  • Async ValueTask pooling.
  • System.Text.Json.

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